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Improving the availability of inclusive mental health
services for all residents in Clay, Platte and Ray counties.

Mental Health First Aid Class Scheduled, Virtual and In-Person

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training that teaches people how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge in adults ages 18 and over. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it builds mental health literacy, providing an action plan that teaches people to identify and address a potential mental health or substance use challenge safely and responsibly. Mental Health First Aid is sometimes called Adult Mental Health First Aid.

Youth Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training that teaches parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors and health and human services workers and any other citizen how to identify, understand and respond to an adolescent (ages 12-18) who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

Mental Health First Aid Virtual & In-person are available as follows:

Mental Health First Aid Classes are available Free to those living &/or working in Missouri. See:

Other classes are available with a zip code search Fee:

Find a Course or Instructor - Mental Health First Aid

Johnson County (Ks.)  Mental Health Center also offers Mental Health First Aid  and other Suicide Awareness Classes (Fee): Mental Health First Aid 

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The Clay, Platte, Ray Mental Health Board of Trustees
3100 NE 83rd Street, #2700, Kansas City, MO 64119 • (816) 468-1772 •
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